We have roughly 1,000 days before the seventh billion human being joins the rest of us on Planet Earth. We do not know what country she will be born in, or who her family will be, or if she will be a she or a he. But we do know this being will join the rest of us as a citizen of this world. Working on a welcome message to our seventh billion fellow human being provides us with a rare but overdue opportunity for introspection as well as a frank accounting of the implicit responsibilities we have toward other human beings and future generations. What would you like to tell her about this world, about life, about your story? What would you like to show her about the world? The 7 Billionth Person Project aims to collect creative expressions from citizens from around the world. Visual submissions are highly encouraged. All media accepted. Partners for the exhibition include The Arts Council of New Haven, Proof: Media for Social Justice, the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, and the Yale World Fellows Program. Website: www.7billionthpersonproject.org. Questions? Email Valerie Belanger at info@collectiveanswers.org.