“For a calling card in the first row” (“Voor een visitekaartje op de eerste rij!”)
Activism, Other
February 28, 2021
Application Fee
Natascha Waeyen
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Call for application: “Voor een visitekaartje op de eerste rij!”
In Dutch and in English “visitekaartje” has a literally and a figurative meaning:

Literally: business card, the small cards you give to your relations.
Figurative: calling card, a great advertisement.

We have also an expression: “Voor een dubbeltje op de eerste rij”, literally translated: “For a dime at the first row”. For this reason, I call this project: “voor een visitekaartje op de eerste rij!” literally translated: “For a calling card in the first row”. Of course, it is not the artist who’s sitting first row!
Numerous artists (and other makers in the cultural sector) have (probably very often) heard that your payment for participating at a project or an exhibition is a beautiful calling card. Great advertisement for you! About 23 years ago I finished Art school. I still hear it. Unfortunately, a calling card does not put food on the table. After years of fighting, but still no changes. So, to make a change, we need to get outside the lines. Time to take action in a frivolous way.
Let’s make an art piece, poem, music composition or any other art form with the dimensions of a business card. From now on we always have an appropriate response. With 100 business cards we only fill a surface of 55 x 85 centimeter or 33,5 x 21,7 inches. To make a statement, we need many unique “business cards” of all kind of artists. In my dreams I see over 1000 and even more!
Who is in and how to take part?
Send me a piece of art (any kind of art expression) with the standard dimensions of a “business card”, 85 x 55 mm or 3,35 x 2,17 inches. For the artists who like to work 3 dimensional, the maximum thickness is 55 mm or 2,17 inches. For people who work with sound or video contribution not less than 5.5 seconds and no longer than 8.5 seconds. Video images are played on a screen about the size of a business card.
Sign up with me, to contact me go to: contact. You can deliver it personally or send by post. So don’t send your art digital by e-mail, provided that it is an audio or video. I’m not able to print for everyone and in this way we keep it affordable for everybody.
Natascha Waeyen, Tubastraat 14, 6217 XP in Maastricht / NL
Every artist who feels related to this action can take part. Of course, it remains your property. At the end of this project, I’ll return the pieces of art, I will only ask you for covering the shipping costs. Unfortunately, I get broke if I have to pay for 1000 letters to return everything to sender.
There is a deadline! On March 17, 2021 we are going to “hand over our calling card” in the courtyard in The Hague on the following election day of the house of parliament.See the event on Facebook: visitekaartje afgeven
I hope we can collect so many and ultimately make a huge statement that makes everyone think. In the meantime, I try to organize presentations to make our point and generate additional contributions. I’ll keep you posted.
“Voor een visitekaartje op de eerste rij!”

participants till "today": 


At the moment we make a book of all the contributions!