S T I L L Magazine 6 - Photography Open Call
February 4, 2018
Application Fee
Not Available
New York, United States

STILL is pleased to announce the start of our annual open call for photography! The works selected from the open call will be included in STILL 6, our newest issue, which will be published in June 2018.

Our photography department accepts all types of photographic fine art and lens-based work, including short videos. To enter, please submit 1–2 series of work, with a total of no more than 30 photographs, a brief description of each series is required. Random selections of images can not be considered. Please assemble image files into a single PDF — if you wish to include videos (maximum 15 minutes), you can do so by including a link.

We at STILL are committed to working with emerging artists, which means we are seeking photographers and writers who are beginning to create a body of work, who are exploring new directions, and who are exploring untapped outlets for their creations. We understand that the concept of emerging artist is broad, and we interpret it to be broad regardless of achievement.
In addition, we encourage still-in-progress submissions, where it would be interesting to track the evolution of the project in our digital magazine. Such submissions could be book projects, group collaborations, or ongoing photography series.

This year, publishing your work in STILL 6 will guarantee unprecedented exposure. A collaboration with https://www.facebook.com/stackmagazines/">Stack will allow us to distribute 4000 copies of the new issue to independent magazine lovers worldwide!

Submission via: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stillmagazine.org%2Fsubmit&h=ATPtV97S8_BtKhS5SjeKZZ8ZjzHFUL3lVS3Nc7agclBViJl-5NuMjHn-NpWLwYNgB6FfILuL3ThqMXf3ICpMJwmtXc-99uFloj83wvGKEeRVND87udV_GIDze8rhwCPAiPHnnBPsuZTPpvqGXmyPzCg6T-7bY7jrpr1EDN07IASPOow0bUfp4aDuHWqDGg" target="_blank">www.stillmagazine.org/submit

Deadline: Monday, February 5, 2018