Open Call for Environmentally-Aware Artwork
Activism, Conceptual, Design, Digital, Drawing, In...
March 19, 2017
Application Fee
Not Available
Bath, United Kingdom

Contemporary artists of all practices are invited to submit proposals to an exhibition responding to the theme of the environment. This exhibition aims to blur the line between art and activisim, highlight issues concerning the environment and raise awareness, through art, of the impact that pollution has on the world.


The theme is open to be interpreted; exploring the negative impacts or the positive solutions, perhaps focusing on air pollution or plastic pollution, the implications that pollution has on people,  communities, wildlife, or landscape. Are the materials used to create the work significant? Does your work continue beyond the gallery walls? Can the audience interact with your work? Does the work change over the duration of the exhibition?


The exhibition aims to highlight local and national artists who are environmentally-aware, contemporary and whose artwork is powerful in both its message and its aesthetic.


In addition to the artwork, I anticipate that the exhibition will also include pop-up events throughout; craftivism workshops, film screenings, a pop-up shop etc. Local green groups are also welcome to contribute ideas and promotion material for petitions and events.


Proposals: 3-5 images of recent work, a link to a website/social media, and a statement outlining your proposed idea for this exhibition (at least 200 words, but no word limit)


Questions/submissions can be sent to:


The exhibition will be at Bath Artists’ Studios’ Roper Gallery, the (TBC) dates for the exhibition are April 5th-11th with the potential to continue for an extra week (until April 18th). Successful artists will be asked to contribute £5 to contribute towards the marketing material/exhibition costs.



Deadline for submissions: March 20th
Successful artists will be contacted on March 22nd, work must be at Bath Artists’ Studios by April 2nd. Local collection can be arranged if you are unable to physically deliver the work yourself.