Black & White (& Blue)
January 24, 2017
Application Fee
Not Available
Darkroom GALLERY
Essex Junction, VT, United States

There’s something inherently different about monochromatic photography.

The photographer Paul Outerbridge put it this way: In black and white you suggest; in color you state.  The implication is that in black and white something is left to the imagination, and perhaps that explains the revived popularity of black and white photos as fine art; seeing an image in color leaves fewer blanks for the mind to fill in. Constantly seeing images in color becomes “too much Information”.

The idea for this exhibition started as strictly black and white, but it occurred to us that black and white is not the only monochrome photographic process, and that the same power to suggest is characteristic of other historic methods that yield images in blue (cyanotype), sepia (albumin), and silver (platinum), for example.  Thus we decided to open this exhibition to all forms of monochromatic photography.

Though we appreciate monochromatic images created with “alternative” processes, we don’t want to exclude any, done on film or digitally. The entries will be evaluated on the basis of their merit as photographs and not on the method that was used to produce them. It’s the creative process that counts!