Open Call for A.I.R. Gallery's 4th CURRENTS Exhibition
Conceptual, Design, Digital, Drawing, Film, Instal...
June 11, 2015
Application Fee
Not Available
Brooklyn, United States

A.I.R. Gallery is pleased to announce the open call for CURRENTS, a timely and innovative biennial exhibition series. CURRENTS addresses contemporary issues that warrant expanded critical attention in the art world.

A.I.R.’s fourth presentation in the CURRENTS exhibition series will be curated by Anthony Elms, writer, Associate Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia, and the Editor of WhiteWalls Inc.

DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR? Curated by Anthony Elms

Do you hear what I hear? is a question posed by one person to another. Behind Do you hear what I hear? is a request—hope—for a connection between individuals responding to their environment. Work in all media will be accepted, or listened to, even as listening is directly alluded to in the title. How do you listen? It depends on who you are. Current affairs routinely offer tragic examples of the many-sided responses to actions and events in the world at large. Recent books such as Rebecca Solnit’s Men Explain Things to Me and Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric, directly speak to race and gender in the American social sphere, and elucidate how both race and gender too often render many citizens unheard, unseen, and unattended to.

Respecting the varied ways races, genders, sexualities and classes interpret the world around us, let’s learn to listen to the stories, histories, and traditions of many. This is an open appeal, to ask, “Do you hear what I hear?” to fight the dismissals and silences, because something is happening, even if you aren’t always sure what it is.


Exhibition Dates: March 17 – April 17, 2016

Submission Deadline: June 12, 2015

For more information, please visit: