Urban Land Institute Photo Essay Contest - $500 First Place Prize
Activism, Architecture, Other, Photography
July 7, 2015
Application Fee
Not Available
Seattle, United States


Urban Land Institute Northwest (ULI Northwest) is hosting a photo essay competition in conjunction with the 2015 Young Leaders Group (YLG) Regional Conference, which will be held on July 24th and 25th in Seattle, Washington.

More than half the global population now lives in urban communities. The growth of cities worldwide is a systemic trend that combines with other leading movements, including the continued pursuit of environmental sustainability; increased awareness of the value of quality public spaces, and — perhaps most significantly — the smart networking of technologies for business, mobility and social connectivity.


As urban populations evolve, questions of access become critical to everyone. Mobility, affordability, technological bandwidth and natural resource capacity are just some of the main issues facing the public realm. At the core are profound and daunting questions about cities … for whom and for what is a city, and how do we get there sustainably?

You are invited to address these concepts through a photo essay consisting of (2) to (4) images and a written statement of up to (300) words. The photo essay should aim to address the theme while answering the following question:


What critical issues of access face our urban communities, and how are cities and neighborhoods overcoming challenges of access in creative ways?